Blondie: " . . . taking a blood transfusion would no longer be a df'ing offense but an act of disassociating themselves from the WTS."
While attending a two-week elder's school some 43 years ago, the instructor told us that joining the military was not a DF offense, but "and act of disassociating themselves".
I asked him what the difference was. He winked and smiled and said that there would be no difference as to the practice of required shunning. It was simply a legal statement to avoid U.S. from shutting down Watchtower on an act of sedition (Speech or conduct that incites people to rebel against a lawful authority). That to the rank and file JW, DF and DA will be considered identical.
I asked him, wouldn't this be like putting out tails between our legs and compromising our integrity?
He told us that announcing a DF, the onus of responsibility lays the act on Watchtower. With DA, the onus is placed on the offender.
Therefore, in those years, Joining the military or accepting blood, the term disassociation would be used.